50 things to do when you’re sad

‘Pursuit of Happiness’ by Kid CuDi is, quite possibly, my favourite song in the whole entire universe (listen here). ‘Happiness’ is what we are all on the pursuit on, whether we know it or not. Sometimes, we hit bumps in the road, because as Kid CuDi sings “everything that shines ain’t always gonna be gold”. Some days really, well, they really suck balls. We’ve all had those days where we get home, look in the mirror and think, “well today was a COMPLETE waste of make-up).

I can hear you asking “What do you do to cheer yourself up when you’ve had this kind of day? What can possibly cure you of ‘Ihadashitday syndrome?” Funny you should ask…

Here are 50 ways to cheer yourself up.
DISCLAIMER: If these don’t work it’s not my fault, they are proven to work for me and a select sample of individuals (aka my family and friends).

  1. Sometimes you just need to get it out. So cry.
  2. Have a nice cup of tea. There are very few things a cup of tea can’t solve. If you’re putting the kettle on make me one too (milk, no sugar). Cheers.
  3. Eat something. Anything that makes you feel better. Fuck the calorie/fat content. I would suggest eating Peanut Butter straight from the jar, it always works for me
  4. Remind yourself that if Britney Spears can survive 2007, you can survive today.
  5. Watch this and remember. You matter.
  6. Lie on your bed and listen to the rain (if it isn’t raining outside, go to rainymood.com – it’s my new favourite website)
  7. Roll down a hill
  8. Get sweaty. In whatever way takes your fancy. Exercise = endorphins = happy happy.
  9. Know that on one of my school reports my teacher told my parents I was thick. Quote ‘Michaela lacks the mental capacity’ unquote
  10. Watch a Disney movie. Sing a Disney song. Disney makes life better. I’d choose ‘Aladdin’ – Robin Williams as the Genie, best cast choice ever – and ‘When will my life begin’ from Tangled.
  11. Do what I said for number 10 but replace Disney with Christmas. My film would be either ‘White Christmas’ (just because of this scene) or ‘Muppet’s Christmas Carol’. The song would be all of them. I LOVE CHRISTMAS
  12. Spend an hour on ted.com listening to inspiring, thought-provoking talks. I adore Sarah Kay’s ‘If I should have a daughter…’
  13. Listen to your favourite album from start to finish. Music is the cure for most things.
  14. Google Earth Stalk that one place you always wanted to go.
  15. Jump on the bed – it’s still fun no matter your age.
  16. Be around children. Their innocence is endearing, they are the better than any type of anti-depressant going. The same applies to animals.
  17. Watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. If you have never watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S this is probably why you’re sad.
  18. Write a letter to the person that upset you. Or write the universe. Get it all out. Don’t worry about grammar and spelling, just get it out. Word vomit on that page. Then rip it up. Throw it in the bin. It’s gone. So is your anger and sadness.
  19. Call your best friend.
  20. Call your mum or that ‘mother-like’ figure you have in your life. Everything they tell you is pretty much true.
  21. Ladies, Shave your legs and wash your sheets. Then get in bed and try to be sad. Try. Yeah. It’s impossible. Lads, you’re welcome to try it.
  22. Get nostalgic. Look through old photos. Remember the good times.
  23. Do your hair/make-up. Who cares if you have nowhere to go. It’s fun to glam up!
  24. Scream into a pillow. Or just scream. You know, whatever works for you.
  25. Email me, I’ll try and cheer you up. (michaelawright89@hotmail.co.uk) I didn’t win an award for being ‘the best shoulder to cry on’ at school for no reason, you know.
  26. Write your bucket list out. Get lost in your dreams.
  27. Go shopping. Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.
  28. Eat Mexican food and drink margaritas. You can’t eat tacos and be sad. It is simply impossible. (this might only work if Mexican food and tequila are your number one food/alcohol choices).
  29. Watch ’50 shades of Grey’. Appreciate the perfect form of Jamie Dornan and laugh at how bad the movie actually is.
  30. Look out the window. Imagine being blind and not being able to see what you see.
  31. Look in the mirror and say out loud “I am enough”. Repeat until you believe it.
  32. Remind yourself of this…Screen shot 2015-07-23 at 21.13.26
  33. Know that when I was at university I got so drunk once that I threw up on my door. Then next morning I was hung over and had to clean it up. Be glad it wasn’t you.
  34. Create a playlist/ make a mix tape of your favourite songs from your teen years. Play it loud and sing along. Try and remember the old dance moves. I bet you still know some of them.
  35. Remember that tough times don’t last, but tough people do.
  36. Draw/paint. On paper or yourself. Whichever takes your fancy.
  37. Go for a walk, be outside and just breathe. Inhale deeply.
  38. Whilst on said walk go to the park and feed the ducks. You have food, therefore you are their God.
  39. Bake a cake. Lick the spoon. And bowl.
  40. Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet. How cool is that?
  41. Penguins. Look at pictures of them. Watch videos of them. Watch Happy Feet. No animal will give you more joy than penguins. Promise.
  42. Bubbles. Bath. Facemask. It’s a no brainer.
  43. Think of 5 things you like about yourself. Write them down. Tape it to your mirror. If you can’t think of 5 things, ask your nearest and dearest for 5 things they like about you. Tape THEM to your mirror.
  44. Hard boil eggs. Throw them at the wall. This is best done outside. It has the same effect as plates but doesn’t cost you as much, and is less messy.
  45. Take a nap
  46. Do something nice for someone else – you can’t sprinkle a little happiness around without getting some on yourself.
  47. Remember that it never gets easier, you just get better.
  48. Nighttime – drive somewhere quiet. Lie under the stars.
  49. Read ‘Rockettes, Rockstars and Rockbottom’ by Keltie Colleen. It will prove to you that you will survive.
  50. Remember, I love you. Also, remember this

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You’re welcome.



p.s what would you add?

p.p.s I was inspired to write this list after reading this

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